Marine Science

Research, Train, Engage and Educate

Our experienced seagrass marine science team offers critical marine
and seagrass ecology research services, including monitoring, mapping and training

Our Services

Support, Planning, Cost-efficient

Seagrass-Watch provides extensive project support for marine environmental initiatives.

Our marine science team is proficient in scientific planning,  monitoring, ensuring you receive top-tier service from project commencement to the conclusion.

The Seagrass-Watch Marine Science team delivers superior, personalised, and cost-efficient marine environmental scientific consulting services.

Marine Science Services
superior, personalised, & cost-efficient marine environmental scientific consulting services.
  • Environmental Assessments
  • Aerial surveys
  • Marine Monitoring (intertidal/subtidal)
  • Marine Mapping (intertidal/subtidal)
  • Marine Drivers and Pressures (light and temperature monitoring)
  • Benthic Habitat Surveys and Mapping
  • Training (intertidal/subtidal)
  • Engagement
  • First Nations groups
  • Universities and Research institutions
  • Local citizen and community groups
  • Non-Government organisations
  • Government agencies

Raise awareness on the condition and trend of nearshore seagrass ecosystems, provide an early warning of major coastal environment changes and to protect the valuable seagrass meadows along our coasts

Seagrass-Watch monitoring efforts are vital to assist with tracking global patterns in seagrass health, and assess the human impacts which have the potential to destroy or degrade these coastal ecosystems and decrease their yield of natural resources.

Responsive management based on adequate information will help to prevent any further significant areas and species being lost.

To protect the valuable seagrass meadows along our coasts, everyone must work together.

Quality Science
Research Services

Our Team offers a variety of Aerial surveys methods from Helicopter, UAV (Unoccupied Aerial Vehicle) to remote sensing.

Our Team are well seasoned with the practical and academic skills to conduct subtidal/intertidal monitoring, spotchecks and mapping surveys.

We have the experience and skills to conduct Research/surveys, at local (location) scale, Regional and Country Scale.


Using Helicopters/UAV, our team can survey/monitor large areas of seagrass.


Fine scale monitoring. Techniques developed by Seagrass-Watch.


Drop Camera techniques have been dramatically improved by our team.


Well seasoned Team, with practical and academic skills to conduct your surveys.

Marine Science Projects

GBR Marine Monitoring Program

Monitor and Assess seagrass habitats along the Great Barrier Reef

SES Project

Design, develop monitoring methods and protocols for the IKI SES Project

Dugong swimming over seagrass. Image courtesy Fergus Kennedy

Dugong & Seagrass Conservation

Guidance for the Dugong and Seagrass Conservation Project

Get in touch

The Seagrass-Watch Marine Science team specialises in delivering top-tier, customised, and cost-effective marine environmental consulting and advisory services. Our team is dedicated to assisting you.

Feel free to contact us to initiate a collaborative dialogue on how we can tailor our services to meet the specific needs of your organisation.