HISTORY & recognition
Global Seagrass Observing Network
Seagrass-Watch was established in March 1998. Long-term monitoring began early August 1999 and monitoring currently occurs across 21 countries. An additional 5 countries participate but they are currently at resource identification stage (mapping). A total of 408 sites had been established and over 5,700 assessments have been conducted
In the early 1990s, Warren Lee Long (former Seagrass-Watch Team member) and Len McKenzie (Seagrass-Watch Director) often coveted programs such as WaterWatch, which involved local citizens helping to monitor the condition of streams. They wondered if volunteers would be interested in “watching the grass grow”?
During the same time, local residents in Hervey Bay were keen to play a role in understanding the marine environment – particularly motivated post 1992, when dead and dying dugongs began to strand in unprecedented numbers along the shores of Hervey Bay and the Great Sandy Strait. It was the community which first raised the “alarm”, that something could possibly be wrong with the seagrasses as a result of an unusual combination of floods and a cyclone. This “voice of concern” from Hervey Bay residents encouraged the scientists to look and find that in fact 1000km2 of seagrass had been lost, and the dugongs were dying of starvation.
In early 1997, passionate Hervey Bay residents formed the Hervey Bay Seagrass and Dugong Monitoring Program and their leader Jerry Comans contacted Dr Bill Dennison (UQ) and the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries.
It was after intital contact from Jerry Comans in February 1997, that Len McKenzie suggested an simple method to engage the community, and Warren Lee Long suggested the name “Seagrass-Watch”. However, their initial attempts at developing a monitoring program involving community volunteers were not encouraged or supported by their superiors, as such as program was considered as an extension exercise at best and a “waste of time”.
However, continual lobbying from the community lead to a workshop hosted by Environment Australia in July 1997 at the University of Queensland. From there a strategy was developed to meld all concerned partners and put forward a proposal with the assistance of Dr Rob Coles for Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) funding. Two applications were eventually submitted: one for Hervey Bay and one for the Whitsundays.
On 28 March 1998 the first Seagrass-Watch training workshop was conducted in Hervey Bay (Queensland, Australia) to introduce the program and trial monitoring protocols.
In April of the same year, the first international Seagrass-Watch training workshop was conducted in Trang, Thailand. From these initial workshops, several techniques were trialed (including biomass estimation, shoot counts, Braun Blanquet, etc). At the same time, community members assisted scientists with the mapping of seagrass resources in their regions.
In June 1999, Len McKenzie proposed a monitoring method and strategy for the program, and it is the standard sampling methodology used by Seagrass-Watch today.
On 9th August 1999, the first monitoring sites were established (Boonooroo, Great Sandy Strait) and by the end of year 27 sites were being regularly monitored.
The program continued to grow and on World Environment Day 2000, Seagrass-Watch was awarded The Prime Minister’s Environment Award, Natural Heritage Trust Award for Rural and Regional Leadership.
Since its 1998 launch when it offered a revolutionary new way for local citizens to partner with scientists, to participate in marine coastal monitoring, Seagrass-Watch has evolved into a Global Seagrass Observing Network, providing quality data to assist with management and protection of these valuable marine ecosystems.
The timeline below tracks the success of Seagrass-Watch and highlights some of the memorable milestones for the Global Observing Program

Hervey Bay Volunteers complete site with Jerry Comans (backrow, 3rd from left) and Stuart Campbell, Seagrass-Watch coordinator, at the time (far right)

Hervey Bay Dugong and Seagrass Monitoring Program Team, promoting their activities at Hervey Bay Seafood Festival , 15 Oct 2000 .

Warren Lee Long (front, right) with Whitsunday Volunteers at Pioneer Bay

Len McKenzie (2nd from left) with Hervey Bay Volunteers at Toogoom

Rangers monitoring seagrass in Western Australia
January 1997
Public meeting held in Hervey Bay (Queensland, Australia) and formation of the Hervey Bay Dugong and Seagrass Monitoring Program (HBDSMP)
06 February 1997
inaugural meeting of the Hervey Bay Dugong and Seagrass monitoring group held at Neptunes, Seaworld.
17 February 1997
Jerry Comans contacts Dr. Bill Dennison, head of the Botany Section of the University of Queensland. Dr. Dennison agrees to hold a workshop at the University for members of the committee.
Jerry Comans contacts Len McKenzie in Cairns and proposes idea/approach to engage community, Warren Lee Long suggests name “Seagrass-Watch”. The Proposal is rejected by Senior staff.
14 July 1997
Seagrass monitoring workshop initiated by Environment Australia held at University of Queensland. DPI&F and HBDSMP also attend.
01 October 1997
strategic approach to monitoring supported at a community/Government meeting held at Hervey Bay Boat Club. Len McKenzie and Rob Coles attend from Cairns. Community engagement in monitoring supported. Strategy proposed to meld all concerned partners and put forward proposal for Natural Heritage Trust (NHT) funding.
November 1997
2 NHT applications submitted (Community Seagrass-Watch and protection program – Whitsundays and Seagrass habitat, issues and management – Great Sandy Region). Len McKenzie project leader for Hervey Bay and Warren Lee Long project leader for Whitsundays.
27-29 March 1998
Inaugural Seagrass-Watch training workshop (Hervey Bay) - conducted by Len McKenzie, Rob Coles and Chantal Roder.
April 1998
First international Seagrass-Watch training workshop (Trang, Thailand) - conducted by Len McKenzie, Rob Coles and Warren Lee Long.
03 July 1998
Len McKenzie presents Seagrass-Watch program to Marine Teachers Association of Queensland annual conference, Hervey Bay.
August 1998
Community volunteers begin supervised mapping of intertidal seagrass in Hervey Bay
24 September 1998
Karen Vidler employed as inaugural Seagrass-Watch Program Coordinator.
03 October 1998
Seagrass-Watch introduced to Whitsundays in public presentations
October 1998
Inaugural Seagrass-Watch newsletter – issue 1 released
14-13 December 1998
detailed survey conducted of subtidal, deepwater and intertidal seagrasses in Hervey Bay not mapped by community volunteers.
16 November 1998
NHT applications approved
17 April 1999
further training of mapping techniques for community to map the effects of the February 1999 flood. Possible monitoring approaches discussed.
01 June 1999
application to NHT to expand Seagrass-Watch to Yule Pt and Annan River unsuccessful
June 1999
Len McKenzie develops Seagrass-Watch standard sampling methodology
June 1999
publication of Hervey Bay seagrass distribution report and monitoring sites identified
04 August 1999
Seagrass-Watch promotional video released
09 August 1999
Inaugural monitoring sites established (Boonooroo, Great Sandy Strait) and monitored using standard Seagrass-Watch methodology
25 August 1999
Monitoring sites established in Whitsundays
30 August 2000
Seagrass-Watch expands beyond Hervey Bay and Whitsundays to Cairns region.
04 June 2000
Seagrass-Watch wins The Prime Minister's Environment Award, Natural Heritage Trust Award for Rural and Regional Leadership, World Environment Day 2000
15 October 2000
Seagrass-Watch Logo revealed. The Seagrass-Watch logo represents four important elements of the program: seagrass (represented by Halophila leaves because it is a genus found globally); water (represented by a wave); human (represented by an eye); and innovation (represented by text in the hand writing of Leonardo da Vinci).
12 November 2000
Seed sampling conducted for first time (Toogoom, Hervey Bay)
Thank you
The Team at Seagrass-Watch HQ would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved (past and present) in the Seagrass-Watch Global Observing Program. We tremendously appreciative of your efforts. The Seagrass-Watch Global Observing Program was born out of Local citizens interest in understanding the marine environment.
Seagrass-Watch HQ (past)
Warren Lee Long, Stuart Campbell, Chantal Roder, Juanita Bité, Karen Vidler, Michael Baer, Cameron Miller, Simon Kerville, Louise Johns , Rahel Zomei, Naomi Smith, Richard Unsworth
Local & site coordinators (past & present)
Rochelle Balitaan, Barry Bendell, Jerry Comans, Sarah Egnar, Tony Fontes, Paul Finn, Tom Collis, Gordon Cottle, Leanne Cullen-Unsworth, Eileen Finglas, Natalie Gleeson, Debra Henry, Christina Howley, Wendy Jones, Karen Kirk, Maree Cliff, Rhonda Kohler, Choo Chee Kuang, Trichelle Lowry, Greg Lynch, Bruno Manele, Maren Mathew, Gary Neilsen, Margaret Parr, Maree Prior, Jacquie Shiels, Elmer ten Haken, John Aini, Alfred Railfo, Maxwell Salk, Posa Skelton, Ria Tan, Jo Qalo, David Idip, Leela Rajamani, Julia Rau, Rebecca Koss, Anthony Roelofs, Paul Wenzler, Fiona West, Daniella Wilken-Jones, Steve Winderlich , Siti Maryam Yaakub, Masao Yoshida
QPWS (past & present) Bill Alston, Tania Ashworth, Mark Burnham, Sue Crocetti, Marc Dargusch, Michael Ford, Artie Jacobsen, Alice Kay, John Lindberg, Matt Lowry, Hamish Malcolm, Wayne Mathews, Moira McRae, Anne O’Dea, Sue Olsson, Angus Thompson, Nicola Udy, Kirsten Wortel, Kai Yeung
Field Volunteers (just to name a few)
Leah Arnold, Larry Arnold, Sue Arnold, Rob Buck, Geoff Bunn, Valerie Bunn, Chris Chandler, Lynn Child, Beth Clouston, Stephen Cox, Kathryn Crouch, Lauren Curry, Ian Curtis, Sarah De Ghen, Helen Debnam, Deb Duggun, Meredith Hall, Alec Hughes, Vanessa Jamieson, Bill Kane, David Kohler, Hana Larsson, Wayne Lawler, WJ Literacy, Debbie McManus, Evelyn Michell, Joyce Paptullo, Topa Petit, Hans VanRoey, Jason Walker, Dez Wells, Jean Wells,
Jacquie Sheils, Maree Prior, Jerry Comans, Tom Collis, Dhimurru Sea Rangers, Neil Smit, Vanessa Walsh, Bowen State School, Lesley Bullemor, Bowen Scouts, Christina Howley, Jason Carroll, Larissa Hale, Mick Hale, Yuku-Baja-Muliku rangers, Brian Vernon, Elmer Ten-Haken, Margaret Parr, Masao Yoshida, Nicolette Yoshida, Shaun Ashley, Charlene Ashley, Team Seagrass,
Norma Sanderson, Kate Houley, Kath Nash, Gordon Cottle, Robyn Bailey, Joe Patiniott, Bruce Pollard, Sarah Mitchell, Jon Woodworth, Lyn McPherson, Jess Milne, Graham Naughton, Ian Smith, Glen Miller, Bonnie Prior, Pat Cottle, Paul Bailey, Gary Nielsen, Steve Winderlich, John Lindberg, John Roberts, Anne O’Dae, Matthew Hamilton, Hanne Larsen, Girringun Rangers, Leanne Talbot, Pete Burchett, Troy Aikenhead, Helene Hoksbergen, Wayne Mathews, Peter Lusk, Bill Alston, Trischelle Lowry, Faye Fergurson, Mary Starkey, Di-anne Duffield, Mary Dixon, Desley Nielsen, Jimmy Joyce, Paul Sprecher, Peter Burchett, Troy Aithenhead,
Michael Ford, Sue Olsson, Nick Dennett, Carole Gillies, Annette Whitney, John Williams, Mackay TurtleWatch, Australian Bird watchers, Jon Woodworth, Pioneer Integrated Catchment Management Association , David McPherson, Ben Hoekstra, John Williams, M. Rosa, A. Halliwell, S. Halliwell, Chris Fraser, Alana Kippers, Bev Lambert, Dennis Osborn, Marc Dargosch, Dean Richardson, Neil Gillies, Wendy Jones, Helen Bowyer, Darcy Bowyer, Mike Oram, Nick Prior, Mars Oram, Bernard Bowyer, Hans Van Roey, Steve Nicol, D. Eckert, Megan Dale, Nigel Woodward, Rex Coleman, Yvonne Miles, Timothy Trim, Eileen Finglas, Andrew Finglas, Bill Kane, Paul Sysum, Evelyn Mitchell, Maree Cliff, Pauline Fowlie, Lloyd McKay, Sandy Mckay, Arnold Family, Rhonda Ayres, David & Rhonda Kohler,
Stephanie Goldston, Gavin Walker, Nick Layne, Ian McLaren, Stu Ledger, Jen Holt, Mark Burnham, Robin McLaren, Matt Lowry, Karen Kirk, Kathy Maskey, Natalia Gleeson, Greg Lynch, Moyra McRee, Paul Evans, Horst Pfaller, Paul Hatherell, Chris Ashcroft, Brooke & Jemma Donahay, Noel Kane, Catherine Walsh, John Ryder, Justin Yaserie, Jennifer Singfield, Ross Coe, Mary-Ann Pattison, David Sinlfeld, Liza Reyes, Paul Finn, Sue Stevens-Hoare, Sean Galvin, Sue Reid, Don Baxter, Will Glynn, Sam Ledger, Gary Millar, Deidre Morrow, Graham Barr, Deborah Heavey, Wayne Young, Barbara Miller, Karen Francis, Ben Cook, Anita Cross, Karrel Cassey, Ross Rule, Hannah Rowan, Lou Coles, Michael Murphy, Gavin Leese, Rebecca McMillan, Ed Boast, Jill Ferguson, Trish Cavanaugh, Janet Dovers, Nanette Kempel, Jenni van Rooyen, Linda Back, Phillip Back, Petra Janoschka, Val Young, Josef Major, Rose Penfold, Lisa West, Tina Antill, Rebecca Goddard, Julie Meles, Andrew Denzin, Thursday Island High School, Tess Henry, Belinda Daly, Kathy Townsend, Dan O’Sullivan, Rachael Hanna,
Allister Gee, Paula Williams, Donovan Burton, Jo Barkworth, Coralie Dodd, Donna Smit, Jeanette Watson, Murray Watson, Chris Matthews, John Osborne, Margaret Grenfell, Andy Morison, Annette Gaupp, Barry Brown, Evelyn Chen, Jan Connolly, Sarah & Stephanie Esentrager, Matt Scougal, Scott Watson, Alicia Axam, Aimee Van Polanen Petel, Chloe Rhoades, Hamish Axam, Nicola Rae, Carol Conacher, Decalie Newton, John Thorougood, Keira Price, Kylie Asher, Nicola Udy, Peter London, Simon Baltais, Wendy Boglary, Chris Ayres, James Wright, Don Burton, Michael Salini, Richie Pigeon, Shon Schooler, Damien Guppitt, Charlie,
Terrence, David Baragud, John Berry, Lucas Batton, Alice Yeates, Bethan Haughton, Rebecca Fowler, Joyce Newell, Bob Newell, John McConnell, Maureen Hickling, Warwick Bright, Shaylee Bright, Jenny Reynolds, Allen Reynolds, Kim Reynolds, Denis Evans, Edward Robert Davis, Malcolm Graham, Jennifer Graham, Michael Kelly, Brett Williams, Chris Penning, Nathan Kirby, Tarni Williams, John Cameron, Joanne Gates, Ken Orme, John Lind, Susan Lind, Max Baker, David Cummings, Don Marshall, Nadia O’Carroll, Kerry O’Carroll, Glenda Crowther, Belinda Daley, Jill Praeger, Tim Roe, Ken Callan, Amanda White, Katie Ewington, Katie Martin, Lyndon Harris, Ray Rowe, Allison Brunott, Andrew Petro, Ben Longstaff, Bronwyn Smith, Gary Miller, Harold Waring, Ivell Whyte,
Lynn Roberts, Narelle Renn, Rebecca Lewis, Saren Starbridge, Tone Iveson, Debbi McManus, Conor McManus, Danielle Ewington, Beryl House, Ulrike Keysner, Don Gilmour, Helen Gilmour, Desley Loch, John Henderson, Barry Johns, David Joseph, Cathy Dexter, Julie Zubevich, Jacquetta Udy, Danielle Udy, Justine Grant, Amanda Luxford, Kath Dexter, Melodee Brenchev, Ruth Dexter, Dinah Hall, Jenny Job, Dianne MacLean, Steve Macpherson, Matthew Taylor, David Wilson, Denise Wilson, Noel Wison, Steve MacPherson, Vicki Cox, Brendan Vollemaere, Christie Currie, David & Maureen Champion, Dianne Maclean, Kerry McGregor, Maureen Champion, N Clouston, Hammond Island rangers, Noel Wilson, Sheryl Keates, Stephen Pesch, Tony Iveson, Karen Vidler, Anthony Roelofs,
Rick Allen, Jerry Wapau, Richard Barkley, Christina Howley, Nicholas Woodley, Cecil Woodley, Lawry Booth, Lana Polglase, Craig Wheeler, Alice Kay, Kaiwalagal Indigenous Rangers, Susan Crocetti, Rebecca White, David Baird, Doug Kerlin, Beccy Bowie, Kristie McNamara, Ina Mills, Shakira Weston, Moses Wailu, John K Tabo, Sabu Wailu, Ses Salee, Rebecca Diete, John W Wigness, Sabz, Taiku, Tamika, Don Whap, Sabu Tabo, Thursday Island TAFE , Karlina SeeKee, Gillain Grayson, Gilianne Brodie, Marianne Nyegaard, Posa Skelton, Jackie Stein, Sharon Taylor, Rose Zahrn, Gary Stein, Lux Foot, Sue Mulvany, Sandra Quintemeyer, Peter Taylor, Linda Davis, Jason Vains, Steve McGuire, Dick Wickenden, Ann Ferguson, Dave Watson, David Reid, Des Wells, Deb Bass, Lyn McAndrew,
Michelle Waycott, Mandy Young, Ray Matten, Sally Puet &, Barry Bendell, Rhonda Stevens, Karen Landt, Hannah Laurie, Ainsley Calladine, Dr. Don Kinsey, Babara Kinsey, University of the Third Age, Linda Davis, Catherine Walsh, Elena Peirano, Carla Wegscheidl, Jason Jeffery, Nicole Hudson, Sally Peut, Jo Qalo, Kathey Foi, Evan Naqiolevu, Venoma Yoshida, Alfred Ralifo, Nadroga Navosa Provincial High School students, International School Suva, LäjeRotuma, TNC Indonesia, Indonesian Seagrass Association, PKA Balai Taman Nasional Komodo and The Nature Conservancy, Marthen Leuna, Modesta Meme, Ainas Perikanan, Kilautan, Woltman Tuga, Purwantoa, Mr Abdurahman, Billy Wagey, Masahito Yoshida, Masahiro Nakaoka, Naoko Kochi, Leela Rajamani, Palau International Coral Reef Centre,
Jason Conway, Tony Fontes, Avril Ayling, Tony Ayling , Wendy Galloway, Betty Wilson, Carolyn Williams, Dianne Turner, Jean Wells, Joyce Patullo, Maren Mathews, Sunnee Goudy, Betty Wilson, John Thornely, Carolyn Williams,Paul Wenzler, Jennifer Wenzler, Tara Wenzler, Andrew Wenzler, John Williams, Dell Williams, Graeme Hyde, Heather Hyde, Valerie Bunn, Sheena Barrett, Heather Marshall, Lesley Pratchett, Dave Pratchett, Yvonne Chaloner, Amanda Parr,
Robin Salmon, Eileen Lewis, John Schmidt, Sandra Hardy, Aileen Gleeson, Alderd Lenting, Eileen Lavis, Carolyn Williams, Fran Guard, Joanne, Judy Chapman, Lise Schimdt, Glenn Carvath, Sean Andrew, Bruno Manele, Monica Aureggi, Chatcharee Supanwanid, Royal Thai Forestry, Trang Marine Research Station, Bronwyn Cumbo, Wildlife At Risk, Fiona West, Ayesha Moss, Carla Eisemberg, Chris Nutt, Connie Grohmann, Dianne Bennett, Kylie Weatherall, Gary Lienert,
Heather Beswick, Jon Hall, Juanet West, Julia Rau, Kandy Curran, Kevin Smith, Neil Hamaguchi, Kent Dequito, Liz Kent, Malcolm Lindsay, Michelle Teoh, Pat Lowe , Rose Barker, Stacey Newton , Tessa Mossop, Adrian Boyle, Alessandro Nicoletti , Alex Watson, Alistrair Sherwin, Ana Dalitz, Anthony Aris, Anthony Richardson, Bel Catchside, Ben Ansell, Brendan Smith, Caterina Carson, Cath Ralston, Catherine Bishop, Catherine Cochrane, Catriona Webster, Chris Howe Ping, Christine Elsasser, Clare Morton, Claudia Curran, Corey Thorne, Craig Hamaguchi, Curtis Robinson, Dane Freeman, Danielle Bain, Darren Stevens,
David Trudgen, Deanne Bird , Dominic Yanawana, Dwayne George, Elizabeth Malone, Emily Burke, Emma Ellis, Erica Shedley, Fiona Galloway, Frankie O’Conner, Franky O’Connor, Gay Marsden, Georgia Wheeler, George Bishop, Gerard Bennett, Grant Morton, Hannah Beadle, Hannah Curran, Howard Pedersen, Jackie Cullen, Jacqueline McKenzie, Jaime Jackett, Jane Lawton, Janine Bedros, Janine Furtado, Jason Fong, Jason Robertson, Jason Simmons, Jeanette Hunt, Jeanie Govan, Jenna Cowie , Jenny Costigan, Jessica Bangu, Jessica Koleck, Jill Duncan, Jo Jones , Joey Munro, John Curran, Josh Coates, Jeremy Cussan,
John Graff , John Hopiga, John Sawyer , Joy Pyrchl, Judith Howell , Julia Noakes, Julie Western, Kate Golson, Karen Gorman, Kenneth Callaghan, Kirsten Pearce, Lauren Hutton, Lauren Johnson, Leong Teoh, Linda Danne, Lindsay Sawyer, Louise Beames , Louise Mullin, Luke Halling, Luke Mischker, Luke Puertollano, Mandy Soynonoff, Mark Warren, Martin Pritchard, Maurice Connor, Melissa Williams , Michelle Haage, Michelle Smith, Miranda Curran, Miranda Dibdin, Mizuyo Ichinohe, Nancy VozoffJo Jones, Naomi Findlay, Nigel Jackett, Pam Jennings, Pat Foley, Patrick Kitcchner, Peter Danne, Phillip Matsumoto,
Philippa Girgiw, Querida Hutchinson, Rachael Leamy, Rebeka Wilson, S. Fong, Sam Tonkin, Sarah McMillan, Seth Lovell, Seth Roberts, Sharon Ferguson, Stephen Russell, Steve Reynolds, Tameeka Dodd , Taro Bin Amat, Teressa Coutts, Theo Dann, Thomas Aaron, Thomas King, Tim Crawford, Tim Malone, Todd Quartermaine, Tomoki Mishina, Troy Sinclair, Trudy Classens, Vanessa McGuinnes, Vanessa Rippon, Virginia Westwood, Viv de Boer, Volker Mischker, Wade Freeman, Wendy Trudgen, William Miller, Zenaida Cayaon, Todd Quartermaine, Trevor Sampi, Chris Sampi, Nathan Sampi, Kevin George, Phillip McCarthy, Terry McCarthy, Mark Shadforth (Bardi Jawi Land and Sea Rangers) , John Aini, Kavieng Fisheries College, Utu High School, Bol villagers, Mongop High School, Lavongai villagers, Jane Wai, Motupore Island Research Centre, Maxwell Salik, Roland Sigrah, Tulensru Wajuk, Ahser Edward, College of Micronesia and Pohnpei Conservation Society
Seagrass-Watch acknowledges the Country and people of Australia’s First Nations. We pay our respect to Elders, past, present and emerging.
We acknowledge the continuous living culture of First Nations Australia—their diverse languages, customs and traditions, knowledges and systems.
We acknowledge the deep relationship, sacred connection and responsibility to land, sea and sky Country as an integral element of First Nations identity and culture.
We acknowledge and thank First Nations people for the enduring relationship connecting people, Country and ancestors—an unbreakable bond that safely stewarded and protected the land, waters and sky for thousands of generations.