| Seagrass-Watch Issue 47 – March 2013
Threats to seagrass | Boating & seagrass (USA) | Paddock to Reef (Queensland, Australia) | Dredging impacts: can they be prevented | Dredging effects on food webs (Western Australia) | Trawling impacts on mediterranean seagrass | Shipping channels (Queensland, Australia) | Challenging seagass survival (India) | Wakatobi seagrass (Indonesia) | Porth Dinllaen: impacts and solutions (Wales) | Pari Islands (Indonesia) | Girringun Rangers monitoring turtle and dugong (Queensland, Australia) | Nymphs of the sea 52pp (37.5mb)
| McKenzie, LJ., Yoshida, RL., Unsworth, R. and Coles, R. (Eds) (2013) Seagrass-Watch magazine. Issue 47, March 2013. Seagrass-Watch HQ, Cairns. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 46: Manatee – June 2012
Florida’s endangered manatees (USA) | Manatees mapping seagrass (USA & Puerto Rico) | Antillean manatee (Brazil) | The forgotten sirenian, the West African manatee | Victor, the orphaned West African manatee | The Sirenia, how similar are they? | New book – Ecology and Conservation of the Sirenia: Dugongs and Manatees. 17pp (9.15mb) | McKenzie, LJ, Yoshida, RL , Marsh, H, Unsworth, R, (Eds) (2012) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 46, June 2012. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 45: Dugong – June 2012
Are dugongs really fussy eaters? | The dugong sanctuary, Torres Strait (Queensland) | Secret dugongs (Singapore) | Seagrass and dugongs in Palawan (Philippines) | Dugongs at the edge; the UNEP-CMS Dugong MOU | Extreme weather effects on dugong populations (Queensland) | Cape York seagrass (Queensland) | The Sirenia, how similar are they? | New book – Ecology and Conservation of the Sirenia: Dugongs and Manatees 31pp. (15.5mb) | McKenzie LJ, Yoshida RL , Marsh H, Unsworth R, (Eds) (2012) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 45, June 2012. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 44 November 2011
Green turtle dietary shift, QLD, Australia | Turtle grazing & seagrass eutrophication tolerance, Indonesia | Marine Illegal Marine Turtle Trade, Bangladesh | Halophila beccarii, Singapore | Seagrass, Green Turtles & Conservation, Bermuda | Villagers protecting seagrass, Thailand | Tracking turtles, QLD, Australia | Seagrass monitoring, Turks & Caicos Islands, Caribbean | Turtle rehabilitation, QLD, Australia | Fibropapilloma | Sea turtle facts 32pp.( 21 mb) | McKenzie, LJ, Yoshida, RL & Unsworth, R (Eds) (2011) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 44, November 2011. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 43 April 2011
Floods | Shadow over Kapparathota (Sri Lanka) | Learning from severe climate events? | Hydeaway Bay (Australia) | Adopt-a-Seagrass-Meadow (Portugal) | Bioactivities project (Portugal) | QLD seagrass status 2010 (Australia) | Seagrass Thailand 2010 (WSC & ISBW-9) | Seagrass wrack as fertilizer (India) | Ascidians 28pp. (18.3mb) | McKenzie , LJ, Yoshida, RL & Unsworth, R (Eds) (2011) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 43, April 2011. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 42 October 2010
Sea-level rise impacts on seagrass | Torres Strait seagrass: how vulnerable to sea-level rise? (Queensland) | Interest in Kimberley region seagrass grows (Western Australia) | Goold Island seagrass loss & monitoring (Queensland) | Environmental awareness in the north (Queensland) | Forams 16pp (6.79 mb) | McKenzie , LJ, Yoshida, RL & Unsworth, R (Eds) (2010) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 42, October 2010. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 41 June 2010
Giving a dollar value to seagrass | Protecting the Gilli Islands (Indonesia) | Pulai River estuary monitoring revived (Malaysia) | Shoalwater Bay: a natural wonder (Queensland) | Center of the Center, Verde Island Passage (Philippines) | Roebuck Bay Ramsar Wetland (Western Australia) | Seagrasses of North-Eastern Madagascar | Economic survey on trap fishery, Palk Bay (India) | Oil spill impacts (Singapore) | Suva (Fiji) | Hermit Crabs | 24pp (10.4 mb) | McKenzie, LJ, Yoshida, RL & Unsworth, R (Eds) (2010) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 41, June 2010. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 40 March 2010
Seagrass in Hot Water| Climate impacts, Patos Lagoon (south Brazil) | Cockle Bay (Queensland) | Cyclone season impacts (Queensland) | Lyngbya returns to Roebuck Bay (Western Australia) | Pangandaran Sanctuary (Indonesia) | Seribu Islands National Park (Indonesia) | Night Watch & UFOs in Townsville (Queensland) | Sea hares | 16pp (6.59 mb) | McKenzie, LJ,Yoshida, RL & Unsworth, R (Eds) (2010) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 40, March 2010. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 39 December 2009
Coastal Canaries | MangroveWatch | Seaweed farms (Indonesia) | Restoration, Research & education (Portugal) | Tsunami impacts (Samoa) | Dugongs without borders (Madagascar) | Threats to the seagrasses of India | Marine Rescue Great Sandy Strait (Queensland) | Cape York (Queensland) | Archer Point (Queensland) | Wet Tropics (Queensland) | Burdekin Dry Tropics (Queensland) | Mackay Whitsundays (Queensland) | Fitzroy (Queensland) | Burnett Mary (Queensland) | Mapoon (Queensland) | Broome (Western Australia) | Torres Strait (Queensland) | Nasese (Fiji) | Giant Clams 24pp (12mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (Eds) (2009) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 39, December 2009. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 38 September 2009
10 years of monitoring | Importance of marine habitat connectivity | Great Sandy Strait (Queensland) | U3A Townsville (Queensland) | Broome (Western Australia) | Lion Village (Phra Thong, Thailand) | Palk Bay (India) | Seribu Islands (Indonesia) | Singapore | From the schools | Fiji | Torres Strait | Jellyfish 16pp (6.94mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (Eds) (2009) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 38, September 2009. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 37 June 2009
Ocean Acidification | Volunteers Increase (Hervey Bay) | Archer Point (Cooktown) | Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program (southern Great Barrier Reef and Dry Tropics) | Bali (Indonesia) | Traditional owners monitor sea country (Torres Strait) | Singapore | Studying Labrador (Singapore) | From the schools (Torres Strait) | Estuarine Crocodiles 16pp (6.0mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (Eds) (2009) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 37, June 2009. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 36 March 2009
Carbon: seagrass, sequestration & stewardship | Townsville | Bushland Beach | Great Sandy Strait | Port Musgrave (Mapoon) | Cape York | Torres Strait | Broome (Western Australia) | Corner Inlet (Victoria) | Maldives | After the Tsunami, Nias (Indonesia) | Singapore | From the schools | Fiji | Sawfish 16pp. (6.5mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2009) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 36, March 2009. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch Issue 35 December 2008
Rescuing the Reef (Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Marine Monitoring Program) | Cape York | Wet Tropics | Burdekin Dry Tropics | Mackay Whitsunday | Fitzroy | Burnett Mary | Great Sandy Strait Fauna & Flora Watch | Seagrass Seeds | Townsville | Magnetic Island | Midge Point | Torres Strait | Dhimurru Sea Rangers (Northern Territory) | Dugong grazing (Thailand) | Pari Islands (Indonesia) | Economic Value (Philippines) | Comoros Islands | Seagrass restoration Florida Keys | Singapore | Papua New Guinea | Mer Island (Torres Strait) | Rays 24pp (9.5mb)
| McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2008) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 35, December 2008. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 34 September 2008
Raising the charisma | Great Sandy Strait, Qld | Singapore | Kuwait | Maldives | Cendrawasih Bay, Papua, Indonesia | Seagrass Restoration | Moreton Bay, Qld | Gold Coast, Qld | Noosa, Qld | Townsville, Qld | LäjeRotuma, Fiji | Sea Cucumbers 12pp (4.5mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2008) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 34, September 2008. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 33 June 2008
10 years watching the grass grow | Green Island Centenary of Parks | Cape York | Torres Strait | Comoros Islands | Helicopter mapping, Malaysia | Motupore Island, Papua New Guinea | Palawan, Philippines | Whitsundays | Gold Coast | Hervey Bay | Great Sandy Strait | Girringun | Bowen | Townsville | Bushland Beach | Koh Tha Lae Tai National Park, Thailand | From the schools 12pp (5mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2008) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 33, June 2008. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 32 March 2008
Defying the global trend | Torres Strait ghost net & seagrass survey | Torres Strait Roundup | Townsville | Magnetic Island | Hervey Bay | Great Sandy Strait | Moreton Bay | Gold Coast | New South Wales | Singapore | Save Our Seahorses, Malaysia | Roxas MPAs, Palawan, Philippines | Motupore Island, PNG | Rotuma, Fiji | Anchors and impacts on seagrass | Seagrass epibionts 12pp (5mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2008) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 32, March 2008. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 31 December 2007
Local Heroes | Broome | Hervey Bay | Great Sandy Strait | South East Queensland | Moreton Bay | Noosa | Whitsundays | Hamilton Island | Townsville | Magnetic Island | Bushland Beach | Shelly Beach | Torres Strait | Wellesley Islands | Mornington Island | Viet Nam | Singapore | Turtle diets | From the Schools | Polychaetes 16pp (2.2mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2007) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 31, December 2007. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 30 September 2007
Caring for Sea Country | Torres Strait | Mornington Island mapping | Wet Tropics | Townsville-Thuringowa | Bushland Beach | Shelly Beach | Cockle Bay (Magnetic Island) | Whitsundays | Great Sandy Strait | Moreton Bay | New South Wales | Viti Levu & Ovalau (Fiji) | New Caledonia | Motupore Island (PNG) | Kimberley (WA) | Broome (WA) | Minicoy Atoll (Lakshadweep, India) |Singapore | Thailand | From the schools | Seahorses 20pp (3.2mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2007) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 30, September 2007. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Reef Plan MMP (RWQPP) | Seagrass-Watch Fiji visits Far North Qld | RWQPP
Seagrass-Watch News Issue 29 June 2007
Townsville to Gladstone | Townsville-Thuringowa Seagrass-Watch | Bushland Beach | Shelly Beach | Cockle Bay (Magnetic island) | Picnic Bay (Magnetic island) | Excellence Award | “Seagrass-Watch” Bowen | Great Sandy Strait roundup | Pioneer Bay (Whitsundays) | Laguna Quays (Whitsundays) | Midgeton (Whitsundays) | Dingo Beach | Midge Point | Seagrass – worth protecting | Torres Strait | Hammond Island | Yule Point | Team Seagrass (Singapore) | Bolinao (Philippines) – Seagrass Demonstration Site | Seagrasses of the Philippines | Rabbitfish | Oatmeal cookies from Seagrass | Pramuka Island (Indonesia) | Motupore Island (PNG) | Stomach analysis of a Southern Red Sea Green Turtle | Roebuck Bay (Western Australia) | Margaret Parr (Profile of a Seagrass-Watch Champion) 20pp (3mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2007) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 29, June 2007. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 28 March 2007
Torres Strait Rangers | Torres Strait | Magnetic Island | Townsville-Thuringowa workshop | Townsville |Great Sandy Strait Fauna and Flora Watch | Community Award 2007 | Moreton Bay | Noosa | Roebuck Bay | Mangroves | Indonesia | Motupore Island (PNG) | Virtual Herbarium | E-bulletins | Website | 12pp (1.41mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2007) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 28, March 2007 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 27 November 2006
Reef Water Quality Marine monitoring | Singapore – Team Seagrass | Chek Jawa | Saltmarsh | Great Sandy Strait Fauna and Flora Watch | Moreton Bay | Townsville | Shelley Beach | Hydeaway Bay | Midge Point | Torres Strait | Tetepare Island | Eritrea | ISBW7 | Zanzibar | Bangladesh | Minicoy Atoll (India) | Motupore Island (PNG) | Cawaci (Fiji) | Sunburnt Seagrass | Seagrass, light & nutrients | Seagrass Travel Award | NSW | World Seagrass Association | NCEAS Global Seagrass Futures Initiative | SOS Malaysia | Green Ambassadors award | Acorn worms 20pp (2.4mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2006) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 27, November 2006 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 26 July 2006
Noosa River | Aussie Kids Turning The Tide | Lugger Bay, Mission Beach | Napranum | Shelley Beach | Rowes Bay | Bushland Beach | Townsville | Minicoy Lagoon, Lakshadweep, India | Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve | Roxas, Philippines | Hepu & the South China Sea Project | Fiji Hideaway | Suva | Cawaci | Motupore Island Research Centre | For the love of the seahorse, Malaysia | New South Wales | Sea Search’s Posidonia australis, Victoria | Torres Strait | Moreton Bay | Great Sandy Strait Fauna & Flora Watch | Whitsundays | Seagrass Biology book | New Shirts | Website 16pp (2.4mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2006) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 26, July 2006 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 25 April 2006
Save Our Seahorses | Gulf of Mannar Marine Biosphere Reserve (India) | Lakshadweep Islands (India) | Post-tsunami workshop | Protecting Roebuck Bay | Environs Kimberley | Naucrates (Thailand) | Kavieng (PNG) | Motupore Island (PNG)| Seagrass meadows for fish (Indonesia) | Operation Wallacea 2006 | Cawaci (Fiji) | Laje Rotuma | Roxas Palawan | Gladstone Oil Spill | Temperature monitoring | BleachWatch | Mapping Seagrass in Moreton Bay | Green turtles – seagrass grazers at risk | Year of the Sea Turtle | Cooktown | Hervey Bay | U3A gets involved | Bushland Beach | Townsville | Sarina Inlet | Thursday Island (Torres Strait) | Horn Island (Torres Strait) | New South Wales | Sea Search (Victoria) | Website update | Seagrass-Watch HQ welcomes Dr Hugh Kirkman | Facts about Echinoderms | Envirofund 16pp (2.0mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2006) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 25, April 2006 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 24 December 2005
RWQPP | Indigenous students | Hervey Bay | Great Sandy Strait | Magnetic Island | Bushland Beach | Shelley Beach | Whitsundays | Midge Point | Sarina Inlet | Okinawa | Micronesia | Thursday Island | Horn Island | New South Wales | Moreton Bay | Animal facts 12pp (1.5mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2005) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 24, December 2005 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 23 August 2005
Mission Beach | Farewell Jerry | Dugong & seagrass research | Torres Strait | CrocFest | Hervey Bay | Great Sandy Strait | Whitsunday region | Mackay | Townsville | Magnetic Island | Bushland Beach | Lucinda | Rowes Bay Junior Rangers | Fiji | Bali | Karimunjawa | Moreton Bay | Okinawa | Palawan | Reef Guardians | Seagrass-Watch on the web | Risk Assessment | Seagrass-Watch QAQC 20pp (2.1mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2005) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 23, August 2005 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 22 March 2005
Seagrass status report | Asian Tsunami Disaster | Okinawa | Posidonia australis monitoring | Indonesia | Reef Plan (GBRWQPP) Monitoring | Mud crabs | Queensland status report | Townsville region |Rowes Bay | Hervey Bay | Great Sandy Strait | Torres Strait | Gab Titui project | Temperature monitoring | Mackay | Whitsunday region | Cooktown 12pp (1.8mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2005) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 22, March 2005 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 21 November 2004
Seagrass-Watch on the web | Great Sandy Region | Volunteer Honour Role | Whitsunday region | Townsville region | Torres Strait | Papua New Guinea | Fiji | Seagrass-Watch registration form | Seagrass-Watch caps and shirts | A guide to tropical seagrasses | Moreton Bay | Mackay | Green Island | Malaysia | Indonesia | Southern Australia | Japan | Puzzles | Volunteer survey results | Reef Guardian schools 20pp (1.5mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2004) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 21,November 2004. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 20 July 2004
Ilan Pasin – Seagrass-Watcha | Whitsunday region | Townsville region | Solomon Islands | Fiji | Seagrass2004 conference | Moreton Bay | Torres Strait | Great Sandy Strait | Hervey Bay | Micronesia | Napranum | Bon-voyage Stuart | A dugong named Halophila 14pp (1.5mb) | McKenzie, LJ, Mellors, J and Yoshida, RL (2004) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 20, July 2004. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 19 February 2004
Surviving the Summer heat: Seagrass and corals | Great Sandy Strait Fauna & Flora Watch | Whitsunday region | BantayIsay (Puerto Galera) | Karimanjawa Islands (Indonesia) | Posidonia australis Monitoring in Corner Inlet (Victoria). | Group praised for saving seagrass | Townsville Regional roundup | Wetlands Festival Townsville | Moreton Bay – Update | Seagrass Monitoring in Shoalwater Bay | Cooktown | Mission Beach | Yule Point 08pp (1.1mb) | McKenzie, LJ, Campell, S and Yoshida, RL (2004) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 19, February 2004 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 18 October 2003
Seagrass Education Kit | Totally Wild Seagrass-Watch | Great Sandy Strait Fauna & Flora Watch | Great Sandy Strait | Seagrass vs herbicides | Yarrilee State School Environment Studies | Hervey Bay | Whitsunday’s Monitoring News | Papua New Guinea Seagrass Monitoring Training Workshop | Seagrass-Watch Nadroga | Cawaci – Ovalau | Komodo National Park (Indonesia) | Locally Managed Marine Areas Network | Townsville Region | Moreton Bay | Sea country habitat monitoring at Napranum, Weipa | Seagrass-Watch Volunteer Survey – Preliminary results. | Seagrass-Watch temperature monitoring | Congratulations Jane | Seed banks | Quadrat Photograph Refresher | Sediment Recording Refresher 12pp (1.9mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2003) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 18, October 2003 . Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 17 June 2003
Seagrass-Watch in Action | Great Sandy Strait Fauna & Flora Watch | Hervey Bay Dugong & Seagrass Monitoring Program | Whitsunday’s Monitoring News | Cid Harbour subtidal monitoring | Okinawa Jangusa Watch | LäjeRotuma | Seagrass-Watch Cawaci – Ovalau | Kosrae (Micronesia) | Sabah (Malaysian Borneo) | Komodo National Park (Indonesia) | 2003 Seagrass-Watch Volunteer Survey | Townsville Region | Ecofiesta | Shelley Beach | Bushland Beach | Moreton Bay | Far northern Seagrass-Watch | Monitoring seagrass meadows at Ellie Point & in Cairns Harbour | Looking after the dugong’s food supply at Yule Point! | Shoalwater Bay 12pp (1.1mb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2003) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 17, June 2003. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 16 February 2003
Status Report: An El Nino led recovery | The Mediterranean Invader – the green seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia | Great Sandy Strait Fauna & Flora Watch | Washouts & Whelks | Hervey Bay Region | Get well soon – Jerry | Whitsunday’s Monitoring News | Whitsundays OUCH Volunteers | Midgeton loses Heather. | Western Pacific | Moonlighting at Shelley Beach | Bushland Beach | Sandfly Creek | Sea Hares at Shelley Beach | Looking after the dugong’s food supply at Yule Point! | Melo (Melo) amphora – Bailer shell | Moreton Bay | Shoalwater Bay 08pp (464kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2003) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 16, February 2003. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 15 October 2002
Seagrass-Watch for everyone | Searching for seeds in Dugong poo! | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Hervey Bay Dugong & Seagrass Monitoring Program | Whitsunday’s Monitoring News | Whitsundays Seagrass Report Published | Monitoring Methods Summary | Shelly Beach | Rotary adopts Bushland Seagrass-Watch | Good-bye and Good luck Dez | Postcard from Ensenada | Monitoring continues at Urangan Harbour, despite bait worming destruction | Moreton Bay | International Seagrass Biology Workshop No. 5 – Ensenada, Mexico 08pp (570kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2002) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 15, October 2002. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 14 July 2002
Award for Townsville Seagrass-Watchers! | Status of Queensland Seagrass | ISWVF-2001 Proceedings Volume 2 | Great Sandy Strait Seagrasses are RECOVERING!! | Busy Times in Hervey Bay | Monitoring Seagrass at Urangan Harbour | Proposed Great Sandy Marine Park | FREE Diving in Hervey Bay | Muddy-Slimy Workshop in the Whitsundays | Hydeaway Bay – No Mud Here!! | Too Much Stress For The Reef? | Bivalve Invasion | Public Meeting at Airlie Beach | Townsville Seagrass Volunteers Train Overseas Visitors | Shelley Beach Recovering | Turtle helps out at Shelley Beach | Mapping training for Cairns Rangers | Sediment Recording Refresher 08pp (620kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2002) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 14, July 2002. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 13 April 2002
Whitsundays Seagrass | Great Sandy Strait & Hervey Bay Seagrass | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Fauna and Flora Watch | Cooloola Coastcare come on board | Students Monitoring Seagrass as a Bioindicator | Seagrass-Watch data contributing to GBRMPA management | Seagrass hammered & corals bleached | Smorgasbord on offer in Pioneer Bay | Teams unite at Midgeton | Sailing Club Saves Seagrass-Watch Monitoring | Townsville Region | Far North | Quadrat Photograph Refresher 04pp (341kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2002) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 13, April 2002. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 12 January 2002
Local eyes: Global wise | SeagrassNet & Seagrass-Watch Western Pacific | Hervey Bay Region | Seagrass Recovery | An Award for Hervey Bay | Urangan surveys | Booral Wetlands surveys | Whitsunday Region | Laguna’s living fossil! | Townsville Region | Mangrove-Watch in Mackay | Far North Region 04pp (431kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2002) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 12, January 2002. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 11 September 2001
Local eyes: Global wise | Cairns students construct interactive Seagrass Web-Site! | Seagrass-Watch in the Western Pacific | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Seagrass Recovery | Green algae problem? | Whitsunday Region | JCU studies | Seed monitoring | Far North Region | Moreton Bay | Seagrass Artwork 04pp (262kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2001) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 11, September 2001. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 10 June 2001
Moreton Bay | Maryborough special school | Cairns students construct interactive Seagrass Web-Site! | Local eyes: Global wise | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Seagrass decline & recovery | Dugong feeding trails | Whitsunday Region | Far North Region | Seagrass-Watch going global | 10 Common mistakes to avoid when Seagrass-Watch monitoring | Seagrass Artwork 04pp (250kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2001) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 10, June 2001. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 09 March 2001
Lyngbya (fire weed) | Local eyes: Global wise | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Whitsunday Region | Far North Region | Townsville Tales : Workshop | Community perceptions | d15N samples | Farewell Wozza | Seagrass Artwork 04pp (232kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2001) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 09, March 2001. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 08 December 2000
Taking Seagrass-Watch to the world | Rivers of the Range | Seagrass-Watch year 2001 Calendar | Hervey Bay Seafood festival | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Whitsunday Region | Laguna Quays airport | First year monitoring report | Seed bank studies | Far North Region | Community Consultation Conference : Making community consultation work | Community perceptions | d15N samples 04pp (584kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2000) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 08, December 2000. Seagrass-Watch HQ |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 07 September 2000
Taking Seagrass-Watch to the world | Seagrass forum update | Dugongs and seagrass | Seagrass recovery: First reports from Seagrass- Watch surveys | How healthy are the Hervey Bay region waterways? | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Whitsunday’s groups awarded | Whitsunday Region | Seed bank studies | New Seagrass-Watch sites near Cairns and Townsville | d15N samples | Seagrass-Watch logo 04pp (770kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2000) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 07, September 2000. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 06 June 2000
Prime Minister’s Environment Award | Post flood Monitoring | Coasts and Clean Seas visit Hervey Bay | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Burrum Heads case study | Whitsunday Region | New Techniques: Epiphyte & Algae cover | Seed bank studies | School visit by Seagrass-Watch | Forum meeting | Northern News 04pp (738kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2000) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 06, June 2000. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 05 February 2000
Seagrass Forum | Seagrass-Watch calendar | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Great Sandy Straits Safari | Hervey Bay Case Study | Whitsunday Region | Pigeon Island: Yule-tide monitoring | Whitsundays Case Study | Seagrass-Watch Logo Design | The new Seagrass Watch Co-ordinator Arrives | Coastcare Grants | Northern News 04pp (352kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (2000) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 05, February 2000. Seagrass-Watch HQ |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 04 October 1999
Spotlights on Seagrass-Watch | Long term monitoring sites up and running | How The Data Is Being Used | Seagrass-Watch calendar | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Hervey Bay Seafood Festival | Post-Flood Monitoring | Pilot study of anchoring in Whitehaven Beach | Whitsunday Region | New local coordinator for Whitsundays | Seagrass-Watch Logo Design | Proposed International conference in 2001 | Michael Moves On | New Seagrass-Watch Co-ordinator 04pp (322kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (1999) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 04, October 1999. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 03 July 1999
New faces in the Seagrass-Watch Program | Seagrass-Watch Logo Design | Third Region Hoped For Seagrass-Watch Monitoring | Post-Flood monitoring | Volunteers hard at work in Hervey Bay | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Whitsunday Region | Seagrass flowers 04pp (337kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (1999) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 03, July 1999. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 02 March 1999
775 sites covered in Hervey Bay Survey ! | 1134 dives for Whitsundays Seagrass Survey | Hervey Bay Region | Great Sandy Strait Region | Whitsunday Region | Karen signs off 04pp (193kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (1999) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 02, March 1999. Seagrass-Watch HQ. |
 | Seagrass-Watch News Issue 01 October 1998
What is Seagrass-Watch | Hervey Bay | Port Douglas 04pp (158kb) | McKenzie, LJ and Yoshida, RL (1998) Seagrass-Watch News. Issue 01, October 1998. Seagrass-Watch HQ |