Seagrass meadows form a significant coastal habitat throughout the Indonesian Archipelago, extending from intertidal to subtidal, along mangrove coastlines, estuaries, and shallow embayments, as well as coral-reef platforms, inter-reef seabeds and island locations. Seagrass meadows in Indonesia play a vital role in supporting coastal marine communities and in maintaining diverse flora and fauna. They are an important component of coastal fisheries productivity1 and they play an important role in maintaining coastal water quality and clarity. The seagrasses of Indonesia are also important food for marine green turtles and dugongs2.
Indonesian seagrasses often form extensive mixed or monospecific meadows. Mixed seagrass communities composed of 8-9 species are common in many coastal areas in Indonesia. Along coastlines dominated by mangrove forests, seagrass communities often provide a functional link and a buffer between the seaward coral reefs and the inshore mangroves. Seagrasses are integral components of Indonesian reefs (i.e., fringing, barrier, patch and atoll), where they occupy a variety of habitats. They are most often found in shallow-water back-reef environments (eg reef flats, moats) and lagoons where they achieve their highest abundances. However, in some locations they dominate the reef crest of barrier reefs and atolls.
It is generally acknowledged that eight genera and 13 species of seagrass inhabit Indonesian coastal waters 3. These include: Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata, Enhalus acoroides, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, Halodule uninervis, Halophila spinulosa, Halophila decipiens, Halophila ovalis, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila minor , Thalassodendron ciliatum and Ruppia maritima. The R. maritima records are based on specimens at Herbarium Bogoriense collected from Ancol-Jakarta Bay and Pasir Putih-East Java, but have never been reported since (the development of Jakarta has destroyed the mangrove forest in Ancol). A 14th species Halophila beccarii, although similarly known from a specimen at the Herbarium Bogoriense, was thought to exist in Indonesian waters, but there is no information on where it was collected and it has not been found in the field4. No endemic species have been found5.
Seagrass diversity in Indonesia is similar to adjacent countries (eg Philippines=13 species, Papua New Guinea=13 and northern Australia=156,7,8 even though habitat diversity is among the highest in the world9,4.
The distribution of seagrass throughout the Indonesian Archipelago is not completely known with vast areas including the Papua coast unsurveyed11. At least 30,000 km2 are known to occur throughout the Indonesian archipelago5. Short et al. 11 identified nine factors that influence the distribution of seagrasses. These include: light, water depth, tide and water movement, salinity, temperature, human impacts, climate change, availability of viable reproductive material (eg seeds and fragments) and competition from other plants. In the tropics, key seagrass habitats occur on shallow fringing reef platforms and sheltered shallow bays where distribution is also driven by the physical micro-topography of the location. Although studies on the geographical distribution of seagrasses throughout the Indonesian Archipelago are scarce, the location of species is undoubtedly a consequence of all or some of these factors.
It has also been suggested that species diversity in Indonesia may be partly a consequence of the oceanic currents that effectively form geographic harriers to seagrass dispersal. High-velocity currents (e.g., >5.0 m.sec-1; e.g., Sape Strait) flowing between the islands through numerous narrow straits (usually in a north-to south direction) may explain some longitudinal differences in species composition of shallow-water benthic communities, especially along the Great Sunda Arc9.
Seagrasses in the Indonesian archipelago occur either as monospecific or mixed communities. In monospecific seagrass meadows any one of the 13 known species can dominate the community, which may be a small patch (i.e., <1 m2) on an intertidal reef flat or a dense and extensive subtidal meadow (i.e., > 100 m2). Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Halophila ovalis, Halodule uninervis, Cymodocea serrulata and Thalassodendron ciliatum usually grow in monospecific meadows and muddy substrates on the seaward edges of mangroves often have meadows of high biomass4. Mixed species meadows are typically dominated by pioneering species such as Halophila ovalis, Cymodocea rotundata and Halodule pinifolia. These meadows occur in the lower intertidal and shallow subtidal zones in sandy, stable and low relief sediments4.
Among the 13 species, besides R. maritima, T. ciliatum has a distribution limited to only in the south eastern part of Indonesia, and H. spinulosa and H. decipiens have been recorded in only a few locations9,4.
While seagrasses predominately grow on soft substrata, Thalassodendron ciliatum is often found attached to hard rock and coral limestone at the seaward margin of reefs (i.e., fringing reefs to atolls). With its strong woody rhizomes and roots, it is able to root in a variety of sediment types, including coral rubble. Along the fringing reef of the Nusa Dua and Sanur coast (south Bali) the inner walls of the well-developed grooves of the reef crest, which run almost perpendicular to the incoming swell, are heavily overgrown by T. ciliatum. It appears that in all high energy environments, T. ciliatum has shorter branched stems than in sheltered lagoonal environments (i.e., calm, turbid), where it occurs in mixed communities9.
The two other species with relatively limited distribution are Halophila spinulosa and H. decipiens. H. spinulosa and H. decipiens often form monospecific meadows in subtidal environments. H. spinulosa has been recorded from Riau, the Sunda Suait, the east Java Sea, Lombok and Papua, while H. decipiens has been recorded from locations in Jakarta Bay to the Flores Sea9. The location of collection sites suggests that they may be widely distributed, however as these species are adapted for less accessible deep water (>10m) or lower light environments, they are often overlooked during surveys.
The other species of genus Halophila found in the Indonesian archipelago, H. ovalis and H. minor, are in contrast widely distributed. H. ovalis has a wide vertical range and occurs from the intertidal zone down to depths greater than 20m13. It is a pioneering species often found growing on recently disturbed sediments4. In the high eulittoral, it is often associated with the smaller, more delicate, H. minor, which is frequently buried under the sediment and difficult to observe.
The most abundant seagrass species in Indonesia are Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides14,15. Monospecific meadows of Thalassia hemprichii are the most widespread throughout Indonesia and occur over a variety of habitats and substrate types and large vertical range from the intertidal down to the lower subtidal zone (Brouns 1985). It is frequently the most abundant species of high energy intertidal reef flats with sandy to coarse rubble substrates. T. hemprichii often forms monospecific meadows at the seaward margin of intertidal reef flats where it is subjected to waves and high velocity tidal currents. In these environments the blades are short, but the root/rhizome network is extensive providing a strong anchorage that stabilises and consolidates otherwise loose sediments.
In many sheltered and muddy environments in the Indonesian Archipelago, monospecific stands of Enhalus acoroides occur15. E. acoroides is the structurally largest seagrass species and is widespread throughout the archipelago. It has been found in a number of environments, ranging from intertidal reef flats to mud-banks adjacent to mangrove forests4). Leaf size of E. acoroides is significantly larger in coastal than offshore meadows17, biomass and shoot densities are higher and epiphyte cover lower, factors attributed to the less severe environments fluctuations of offshore meadows4.
Two species of Cymodocea (C. rotundata and C. serrulata) occur in the Indonesian Archipelago. C. rotundata appears more common than C. serrulata, and often forms extensive monospecific meadows in the lower eulittoral. It is highly tolerant to sub-aerial exposure, and is one of the most common seagrasses associated with the intertidal reef flats of fringing reefs, barrier reefs and atolls. C. rotundata is found in a number of reef habitats, but it is most abundant in shallow-water lagoons of wide fringing reefs. For example, it is one of the dominant seagrasses in the shallow lagoon of the extensive Sanur Reef along the southeast coast of Bali. It colonizes a variety of sediments ranging from coarse sands as well as rubble areas where it stabilizes and consolidates the substrate.
Cymodocea serrulata is found mainly in subtidal environments to a depth of ~5m. It is able to grow on a variety of substrates, ranging from silty mud to coarse coral rubble. In relatively sheltered environments with substrates consisting of medium-grained coral sands it was found to form extensive and dense monospecific meadows. In lagoonal mixed seagrass communities, C. serrulata may be the dominant species. C. rotundata and C. serrulata have higher below ground biomass when growing in established mixed meadows than in monospecific pioneering meadows4.
Both species of Halodule are found in Indonesia. H. uninervis and H. pinifolia have similar distributions and both are widespread throughout the archipelago. Waycott et al.18 suggested that H. uninervis and H. pinifolia are conspecific, recognising that the plasticity of blade size is attributed to local conditions. Nevertheless, in Indonesia we retain them as separate entities, as there is no sufficient evidence from Indonesian material to support this merger. Future studies, both ecological and molecular, would help to clarify this. H. uninervis tends to be locally more abundant, but extensive monospecific meadows of H. pinifolia are not uncommon, and occur mainly on muddy or fine-grained calcareous sands2. H. uninervis density also depends on the phenotype (wide and narrow leaves2. H. uninervis has a wider depth range (lower eulittoral to 8-10 m) than H. pinifolia, which is usually found in a narrow zone between the middle eulittoral to subtidal (1-2 m).
H. uninervis was observed to form monospecific meadows on exposed inner reef flats as well as on steep sediment slopes consisting of silty to coarse-grained sand4. H. uninervis is generally considered as a typical pioneering species able to rapidly colonize newly available substrates. H. uninervis has higher below ground biomass when growing in established mixed meadows than in monospecific pioneering meadows14. H. uninervis is also a preferred food for dugong20,2.
Syringodium isoetifolium has a wide distribution throughout the archipelago. It is basically a subtidal species, being very sensitive to exposure and desiccation19,21. The sensitivity to desiccation is most likely related to its leaf morphology. Most seagrasses are tolerant of desiccation for relatively long periods, because their broad leaves overlap one another, thus creating areas where water is trapped and high relative humidity is maintained. The cylindrical leaves of S. isoetifolium do not offer this type of protection, and therefore S. isoetifolium is seldom found above the low spring tide mark.
Seagrass-Watch in Indonesia
To provide an early warning of change, long-term monitoring has been established in Indonesia as part of the Seagrass-Watch, Global Seagrass Observing Network ( Establishing a network of monitoring sites in Indonesia provides valuable information on temporal trends in the health status of seagrass meadows in the region and provides a tool for decision-makers in adopting protective measures. It encourages local communities to become involved in seagrass management and protection. Working with both scientists and local stakeholders, this approach is designed to draw attention to the many local anthropogenic impacts on seagrass meadows which degrade coastal ecosystems and decrease their yield of natural resources.
The reef flat at Sanur in southern Bali is covered by extensive intertidal and subtidal Enhalus acoroides dominated seagrass meadows. Meadows extend from nearshore to reef crest. Large meadows of Thalassodendron ciliatum cover the reef crest on the edge of the surf zone and adjacent to channels.
Monitoring: ongoing, ad hoc
Principal watchers: Seagrass-Watch HQ
Location: fringing reef flat at Sanur.
Site code: SN1
Issues: coastal development, vessel movement, stormwater and urban runoff
Status (December 2008):
- monitoring has not been conducted since site was established in May 2005
- meadow is dominated by Enhalus with Thalassia and Syringodium making up most of the understory.
Seagrass cover, species composition and canopy height
Interactive plots with mouse-over features providing additional detail
Komodo National Park is located in the centre of the Indonesian archipelago, between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. Komodo National Park lies in the Wallacea Region of Indonesia, identified by WWF and Conservation International as a global conservation priority area.
There are approximately 4,000 human inhabitants living within the park spread out over four settlements (Komodo, Rinca, Kerora, and Papagaran). All villages existed prior to 1980 before the area was declared a national park.
Monitoring: suspended
Principal watchers: PKA Balai Taman Nasional Komodo and The Nature Conservancy, local villagers, WWF
Location: on the island Seraya Kecil, just outside the Komodo National Park boundary. Other sites were established on the island of Papagaran, inside the park boundaries and monitored with the assistance of the local village community.
Site code: PG1, PG2, SK1, SK2
Issues:Â raw sewage from adjacent village, blast fishing
Status (July 2003):
- No monitoring has been conducted since July 2003
- Both sites at Seraya Kecil appear to exhibit typical season patterns in seagrass abundance.
- Seraya Kecil sites were dominated by Enhalus acoroides and Thalassia hemprichii with varying amounts of Halophila ovalis, Syringodium, Halodule and Cymodocea species.
- Both sites at papagaran appeared to show a possible seasonal increase in April, with July 2003 abundances returning to 2002 levels.
- Sites at Papagaran were dominated by Enhalus with some Thalassia.
- PG2 is adjacent to the coastal village and PG1 is approximately 500m south away from the village. The lower seagrass abundance at PG2 compared to PG1, may be the result of impacts from boat movements (anchoring & propeller scarring) and higher levels of nutrients (from village sewage effluent).
Seagrass cover, species composition and canopy height
Interactive plots with mouse-over features providing additional detail
Seagrass cover, species composition and canopy height
Interactive plots with mouse-over features providing additional detail
Riung (Flores)
Riung village, on the coast north of Bajawa, is adjacent to the Seventeen Island National Reserve. The National Park, Pulau Tujuhbelas (Seventeen Islands), in fact has more than 20 islands, but, in a gesture of patriotism, the number was declared to 17, to conform to Indonesia’s Independence Day, August 17. The biggest island is Pulau Ontoloe. The coastline is fringed by extensive intertidal and subtidal seagrass meadows connecting mangrove and coral reef ecosystems. The Department of Fisheries and WWF had previously mapped the extent and condition of coral habitats and mapped seagrass meadows in the region. Seagrass-Watch sites were established using information from these surveys. Both sites are accessed by boat. The seagrass meadows support extensive subsistence fisheries that harvest of sea urchins, sea cucumbers, small fish and shellfish for local markets.
Monitoring: suspended
Principal watchers: Dept. of Fisheries, TNC, MTS Nangamese, Seagrass-Watch HQ.
Location:Ontoloe Island & Bakau Island on the central north coast near Riung.
Site code: RG1, RG2
Issues:Â Sewage from adjacent village, boat traffic, overfishing
Status (February 2005):
- No monitroing since sites were established in August 2002
- Monitoring sites were significantly different in seagrass abundance and species composition.
- Bakau Island (RG1) was dominated by Enhalus acoroides and Thalassia hemprichii, while Ontoloe Island (RG2) was dominated by Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea rotundata.
- Current condition is unknown.

Karimunjawa is one of six Marine National Parks in Indonesia and is located off the northern part of the central Java coast. The marine park contains vast areas of seagrass meadows growing on sandy islands cays and in sheltered muddy habitats adjacent to mangrove forests.
Seagrass meadows in Karimunjawa are fished using traps, spears and lines for a range of fish species commonly eaten by local inhabitants. Reef fish on the other hand, are commonly sold to the mainland as they fetch considerably higher prices. Seagrass areas are also increasingly being used for the placement of seaweed farms, an alternative livelihood being promoted to reduce the pressure on wild fisheries.
Monitoring: ongoing, ad hoc
Principal watchers: Indonesia National Parks, Seagrass-Watch HQ.
Location:Menjangan Kecil, Karimunjawa, Menjangan Besar, Kemujan Island
Site code: KJ1, KJ2, KJ3, KJ4, KJ5
Status (December 2008):
- Each of the monitoring sites differ significantly in seagrass abundance and species composition.
- In September 2004 the Park Rangers conducted surveys at 6 sites of seagrass significance identified by local inhabitants and the Marine Park Authority.
- In November 2004 staff from the Wildlife Conservation Society assisted the Park Rangers to conduct park wide surveys in a bid to identify further sites for Seagrass-Watch monitoring.
- Current status is unknown as results from previous surveys are still pending

Blongko is a small village (115 km southwest of Manado) with a population of 1,250, located on the northwest shore of Minahasa. Its approximately 6.5 kilometers of coastline is healthy and productive, bordered by relatively thick and vigorous mangrove. Most of the population lives along the water, and the majority are fishers, although almost all residents both fish and farm. The fishery, both offshore and on the coral reef, plays a significant role in the livelihood of the community. Most fish captured is used for home consumption or sold by the fishers wives in the local community.
Blongko Marine Sanctuary established in 1998, covers 12 ha along the coast, and contains a mangrove forest, seagrass and part of a coral reef. Blast fishing still occurs in the vicinity, by using soda bottles stuffed with explosive potassium nitrate-detonate underwater, killing or stunning reef fish so that they are easy to net. Dugong have also been reported in the region. At full moon dugongs come over from a nearby bay to feed on seagrass meadows, which are only accessible for them during spring tide.
A second site was established at the village of Terremel, about 150 kilometres north east of Manado. This intertidal site is part of a locally managed marine protected area established by the community, with assistance from Coastal Marine Resources Program and students from the Sam Ratulangi University. The CMRP program is US Aid funded and has been working with the university to establish small locally managed marine protected areas with villages where all harvesting is prohibited.
Monitoring: suspended
Principal watchers: Sam Ratulangi University, CMRP, Seagrass-Watch HQ.
Location: Blongko and Airbanua (Terremel), northern Sulawesi
Site code: AB1 (Airbanua, Terremel), BO1 (Blongko)
Issues: Raw sewage from adjacent village, blast fishing
Status (December 2008):
- Monitoring has not been conducted since November 2002.
- Current status of seagrass resources unknown.
- Abundances at Airbanua appeared to be declining, but this may have been a seasonal trend.
- The Blongko site consists of a mix of species including Cymodocea rotundata, Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus acoroides.
- At Airbanua (Terremel), the seagrass species included Enhalus acoroides and Thalassia hemprichii.
- The success of establishing an ongoing monitoring program at all sites is dependent on the resources and commitment of CMRP, university staff and students and residents the local villages.